Every month, we will meet creative minds from the featured city for an insider interview. Starting the 'Beiruti interview' with Dubai-based Nadine Kanso is a great example of how identity and beauty can become one.
Nadine Kanso Credit: Bilarabi
Born in Beirut, where she studied Advertising Design and Communication Arts , Nadine moved to Dubai in the early 2000 where she has then found a new home. Thanks to her creative photographs, Nadine participated to collaborative projects as‘Arabize me” part of of the “Friday Night at the V&A” programme at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London.

Her motto “Be proud of your heritage” took her to exhibit collage works in leading galleries such as Gallery Isabelle Van Den Eynde and now Cuadro in Dubai.
In parallel, Nadine developed one of the most self-conscious jewelry brand, BilArabi (www.bilarabi.ae), a real homage to the Arabic language, magnificently valorized through very distinct aesthetic combining precious metals and stones.
Al Hobb ring from Mina Collection Credit: Bilarabi
1/THE CONFUSED ARAB (TCA) :Hi or Bonjourr?
2/TCA: Uber or Service?
NK: Service
3/TCA: Fairuz or Sabah?
NK: Fairuz
4/TCA: Kibbé Ma2liyé or Kibbé Nayé?
NK: Kibbé nayé jnoubiyé, from South Lebanon
5/TCA:Turkish Coffee or Café Blanc?
NK: Café blanc
6/TCA: Skybar or BO18?
NK: BO18
7/TCA: Khayé or Bro?
NK: Khayé
8/TCA: Cigarette or Arghilé?
NK: Cigar
9/TCA: Sporting or Faraya?
NK: Sporting
10/TCA:What's your favourite lebanese word?
NK: “Shou fi ma fi” (what’s up?)
Ya 3ein earrings Credit: Bilarabi
*SERVICE: Traditional Beiruti taxi taking several passengers at the same time. It also refers to the taxi driver himself. Service generally chooses your itinerary and they are source of million urban stories.
* KIBBE MA2LIE: Fried kibbé, mix of minced meat and bulghur.
* KIBBE NAYE: Raw kibbé, with raw meat.
*SKYBAR: Used to be an institution of Beirut commercial night on the top of Biel.
* FARAYA: Ski station located 46 km North from Beirut.